© 2010 Lynsey

305 – Join the resistance!

Ah, the gray pillars of our community. What would we do without them? Always the same, unchanging.

What about you? What’re the gray pillars of your community – of your inner you?

Are you willing to change, or, are you so totally happy with what you are and where you are that change is just out of the question. In fact, it’s not even something that comes up on your radar. If so, good for you. Stay who, what, and where you are. Don’t have a new thought. Stay the same, we love you as you are.

What about those of us rebels, resistant to our gray pillars? It’s not easy to deal with our inner gray pillars, but why not join the fight against them anyway? What are you prepared to give up, what are you prepared to change to move on? Join the resistance! Topple a gray pillar or two, become someone new.

02. Every day is an opportunity for a new beginning.
12. Every day love yourself.
15. Every day make a difference to yourself and others.

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