© 2011 Lynsey

It’s all happening…

Sometimes it’s hard to see change happening. Good change that is. Bad change seems to have a special gift for happening incredibly quickly. Good things seem to take a while to settle in. It’s easy to think that nothing is happening, but it is. Deep inside. Slowly, imperceptibly, change can be happening.

When Spring finally takes hold, this oak tree is likely to be covered in the vibrant lime green of new growth. Likely, but not a guarantee – trees have their own seasons measured with a subtlety beyond our rush-rush human measures. There’s a season for us all. Some things we give up to make the change, others we ease into and take more on board with. We’re all changing, all the time. It’s all happening. It’s just not always that obvious. Thankfully.

02. Every day is an opportunity for a new beginning.
25. Every day your light shines for others to see.
40. Every day give things a chance to work out.

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