Monthly Archives: January 2015

Four eggs

Four eggs

I’m making breakfast for the family. I crack an egg – double yolks. Amazing! I’ve cracked hundreds – probably thousands of eggs and I’ve never …


Random Acts of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness

It is my first week back at work after a Christmas and New Years holiday that went by far too quickly. The first few days …


The black sheep of the family

The black sheep of the family

Who, at some point, hasn’t thought that they might be the black sheep of the family? You know, that one person in the family that …


Everything is not as it seems

Everything is not as it seems

The New Zealand flag was flying proudly over the Beehive this afternoon. Blues skies. Life is good. No poverty, no depression, the economy is on the up-and-up. Land …


The passengers are back

The passengers are back

A few days in from the official start of the working year and more and more people are gradually returning to work. We used to take …


The summer day

The summer day

I walk past this elm tree most days on the way to and from work. I’ve feel a bit a of a relationship with it …


Three red cars

Three red cars

“On my way to school I watch the cars going past the bus and remember their colours. 3 red cars in a row mean that it …


The golden weather

The golden weather

Today is the last of our summer break. Holidays used up for the moment, time to move on with the year. Needless to say it’s …


Never too old

Never too old

“One rule of the game, in most times and places, is that it’s the young who are beautiful. The beauty ideal is always a youthful …


The neighbour

The neighbour

A neighbour of ours died yesterday. She lived next door. Down the street, on another block, in the next suburb, across town. In the next city …