© 2017 Lynsey


I think family is the very definition of what it means to be human. Some dictionary definitions include words like “parents” and “children” and yes, while “family” can encompass those descriptors; I think we all accept that family has broader, more undefinable definitions.

I think of family as a fluid arrangement of people. Family is plural. It’s about a group of people who grow, together [and sometimes apart] through time, weaving stories visible and invisible to others. More often than not true family are not blood relations. Blood relationships only matter when actual blood is required.

Sometimes we grow easily, and sometimes, of course, change is challenging. It’s the story that matters.

In perfect worlds we work together. We work around, under, over, or through our obstacles. Our lives and our stories entwine a little more every time we laugh, cry, share, and care and dream together.

And we become friends. Family. As simple and as complicated as that.

10. Every day connect with somebody.
18. Every day express love. Some people need to hear it. Most people need to see it. Don’t take it for granted.
21. Every day seek the support of others. You are not alone.

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