© 2017 Lynsey

Where do you go my lovely?

You talk like Marlene Dietrich
And you dance like Zizi Jeanmaire
Your clothes are all made by Balmain
And there`s diamonds and pearls in your hair
You live in a fancy appartement
Of the Boulevard of St. Michel
Where you keep your Rolling Stones records
And a friend of Sacha Distel
But where do you go to my lovely
Peter Sarstedt [1969]

Some creative person leaves these little sculptures in the streets of Wellington. I don’t know why, but they always remind me of Peter Sarstedt’s song about Marie-Claire and her rags-to-riches story. The figures pop up in unexpected corners, in time periods I cannot fathom. I admire the creativity that’s gone into their creation, and I wonder what’s the back story – who is creating them and why, and while I’ve noticed them for some years, how long has this street art work/installation been going on for?

I wonder what Marie-Claire gets up to at midnight when all the toys come to life. Does she see herself as toy, a plaything, a fetish object, a voodoo doll, or something entirely different? Where does she go… ?

10. Every day connect with somebody.
23. Every day retain your personal power. It belongs to you. No one else.
42. Every day celebrate. Who you are. What you have achieved. Things that matter to you.

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