Category Archive: creativity

Let’s pretend

Let’s pretend

I like to think that our family room is a writing studio. I sit here early in the morning with a cup of coffee or …




I cannot imagine how anyone came up with the idea of a unicorn. The idea is not new, unicorns have been around for a least a couple of thousand years, and may even predate that.


Where do you go my lovely?

Where do you go my lovely?

You talk like Marlene Dietrich And you dance like Zizi Jeanmaire Your clothes are all made by Balmain And there`s diamonds and pearls in your hair


Killer apps

Killer apps

I’ve had an uneasy relationship with my mobile phones. It’s another thing to lug around. To lose, to damage, to have the batteries go flat, to have stolen, to impress [nobody] with, to… to… > more…


Four eggs

Four eggs

I’m making breakfast for the family. I crack an egg – double yolks. Amazing! I’ve cracked hundreds – probably thousands of eggs and I’ve never …


Everything is not as it seems

Everything is not as it seems

The New Zealand flag was flying proudly over the Beehive this afternoon. Blues skies. Life is good. No poverty, no depression, the economy is on the up-and-up. Land …


The golden weather

The golden weather

Today is the last of our summer break. Holidays used up for the moment, time to move on with the year. Needless to say it’s …


I’m not afraid

I’m not afraid

How I wish that were true. Frequently I am afraid, and I loathe the feeling and I loathe myself for being afraid. I don’t mean watching …


The perfect storm

The perfect storm

“The shower creates the perfect storm for the perfect idea.” – Mental Floss The instant the water touches my skin my whole being changes. Calmness descends and …


Blue sky dreaming

Blue sky dreaming

I had coffee today with a business associate. He’s a very dangerous and frightening guy in many respects. It’s not that he is scary in …