The Apprentice
I started writing this post back in August 2014. It seems like forever ago. It was a Saturday morning. I was dozing because I like …
I started writing this post back in August 2014. It seems like forever ago. It was a Saturday morning. I was dozing because I like …
If we are to believe all those self-help books we should be leaping out of bed, scouring our bodies with (organic) nettles, checking off all …
Do we simply become so hard hearted that nothing can hurt us or do we somehow tear away our carapace and become like a sweet, tender baby? I don’t know that I can risk that, as much as the idea appeals. >>> More…
More than a year has gone past since I last wrote here. I want to say it’s been a terrible year. But that’s not entirely true. The Hallmark sickly sweet side of me wants to pretend everything wants to say it turned out fantastic but that’s not entirely true either. The truth is the earth continued to rotate and the sun appeared in roughly the usual place and time, and life unrolled as it has for the last 100 million days.
There’s been plenty of blue skies today. Gale force winds have chivvied the clouds around almost recklessly. Hapless office workers scuttled around at lunch time, …
I’m making breakfast for the family. I crack an egg – double yolks. Amazing! I’ve cracked hundreds – probably thousands of eggs and I’ve never …
Today is the last of our summer break. Holidays used up for the moment, time to move on with the year. Needless to say it’s …
“One rule of the game, in most times and places, is that it’s the young who are beautiful. The beauty ideal is always a youthful …
How I wish that were true. Frequently I am afraid, and I loathe the feeling and I loathe myself for being afraid. I don’t mean watching …
“The shower creates the perfect storm for the perfect idea.” – Mental Floss The instant the water touches my skin my whole being changes. Calmness descends and …
Category Archive: learning