Category Archive: passion

Testing times

Testing times

These past few months have been challenging. Not that we’ve been unduly unwell or traumatised by war or any of those kinds of challenges, but …


The summer day

The summer day

I walk past this elm tree most days on the way to and from work. I’ve feel a bit a of a relationship with it …


The golden weather

The golden weather

Today is the last of our summer break. Holidays used up for the moment, time to move on with the year. Needless to say it’s …


I’m not afraid

I’m not afraid

How I wish that were true. Frequently I am afraid, and I loathe the feeling and I loathe myself for being afraid. I don’t mean watching …


Searching for muchness

Searching for muchness

MAD HATTER (accusing): “You’re not the same as you were before. You were much more … much more muchier … you’ve lost your muchness.” ALICE: “My …


Heart beat

Heart beat

Our kitchen is unlikely to feature in any fashionable magazine. Ever. It’s not that kind of place. No, our kitchen is more likely to be found …




While on a walk around the Tokaanu natural thermal area earlier this week, I noticed a plant I had never seen before. It was covered …


A gift of roses

A gift of roses

When I was a kid we used to visit my grandparents. My grandparents scared me. We lived quite a distance apart and we didn’t get …


Letting our light shine

Letting our light shine

I have been secretly looking forward to Christmas even though I haven’t expressed this feeling outwardly in any way. For the first time ever in my …


Printer’s marks

Printer’s marks

Late last year I satisfied a long held desire to learn how to screen print. I mentioned the printing, along with all of the other …