Category Archive: printing

Twos are like esses

Twos are like esses

“And now that you don’t have to be perfect, you can be good.” ― John Steinbeck, East of Eden I noticed these numbers the other day …


Printer’s marks

Printer’s marks

Late last year I satisfied a long held desire to learn how to screen print. I mentioned the printing, along with all of the other …


Mia and Ruffian

Mia and Ruffian

Mia and Ruffian, Brangelina of the pigeon world, were last spotted yesterday morning, nonchalantly hanging out on the side of the Forest and Bird building. They …


After the agony…

After the agony…

Sometimes I wish my Dad could see me now. He died back in 1990, so he’s been out of my life, in a physical sense, a …


…and this is how…

…and this is how…

…and this is how we give up the precious hours of our lives… This year I have spent some of my precious free time creating with …


Learning curves

Learning curves

I love printing. I always have. As a kid I cut stamps out of potatoes. Lino prints, screen prints, type, printing, paper, books, ink, ink, …