Tag: beauty

Never too old

Never too old

“One rule of the game, in most times and places, is that it’s the young who are beautiful. The beauty ideal is always a youthful …


Sea fever

Sea fever

I’ve never been a great swimmer, but I do love being near the water. It’s the edges and margins that attract me, rock pools in …


Looking up

Looking up

When I was a kid I used to come to Wellington and look up at the big buildings and wonder what it was like from …


Less is more

Less is more

Sometimes it’s easy to feel dragged down by the petty struggles of life. Yes, they are irritating, and yes, if you get enough of them …


Drowning in work

Drowning in work

I watered Plant at work today. Yes, this is the legendary plant, known to friends the world over as Plant. I didn’t want to over-water …


325 – Go North!

325 – Go North!

I was about to fly north in an effort to go south. Business trips give me the chance to make some photos of things I …


287 – Making the change

287 – Making the change

I go out to make sure the car was ready for the car ambulance to take it to the hospital. The sun was just starting …


084 – Body beautiful

084 – Body beautiful

If nothing else, my life has taught me one thing: The mind and body that I have are the only mind and body that I …


061 – Shemozzle

061 – Shemozzle

Until today I had never heard of a shemozzle. As soon as I read the word in a banner draped across a building – “Hunterville …